Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day twenty of Rina's life

Today was fun I went to see a movie with my friends. Then hung out with Brandon and Geneva. Oh sorryy if I haven't blogged for a while I just was sick and I doubt u wanna hear about how I lied around all day. The most exiting thing happened the other day I had a really bad nose bleed and it was just gushing blood to the point where I was coughing up my blood. It was just delightful. Hahah Im kinda bummed cuz now I have $10 instead of $20. I can't buy anything with $10. I can't buy clothes. I don't wanna go to school Monday all I have to do tomorrow is do my chores and study. Blaahhhhhhhh for my bday I want $$ so I can go on a shopping spree. I want to buy clothes but now I can't darn. For the past like week I have been in this dream state I thought some days were a dream it was weird. One thing I want to do before I die is tip a cow!!!!!

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