Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day twenty five of Rina's life

Ok well I'm sorry I haven't been blogging for about a month so I'm going to give you a complete summarry of my life. Well first me and Brandon and geneva became friends again it was great. Unfortuantly a week later I got in a fight with Geneva and we aren't friends anymore. Basically she is afraid of me. Because I'm just that intimidating roar be afraid of the all powerful Rina roar!!!! Haha jk she just said I bully her. Hey all I can say is I definitly gave it my all to fix that friendship and strangly I'm happy. I haven't been on because I've had soooo much work to do in the end I got a c in trigonemetry because of my infinite stupidity just flunked the final gahhhhhhhhhh I was sooooo closeeee!!!! I'm such an idiot. Anyways I'm 99% sure I failed chemistry final I check today again. Also well I'm just really happy now a days Katarina and crispin are back together yayyy!!! Well that pretty much sums up a month of my life. Now that it's spring break I'll be blogging alot more I won't miss a day i promise if u promise to read. Okay plan.. Today I did nothing except lay around all day those are the best days. One last thing my birthay is MARCH 29 MY BIRTHDAY IS MARCH 29 REMEMBER

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