Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day five of Rina's life

So I'm sorry if I haven't answered any of your messages. I just had one of those days where I am wrapped up in other things I don't get bored enough to go check my messages. I will get to that later haha. today I did all my hw and I have been coding on my calculator all day. My teacher said she went over my 504 plan last week. I was like wow prepared. I have been thinking about it my dyscalculia and how I hardly ever use my 504 plan I used to alot in middle school. I am going to talk to my counsiler and ask to see it. Oh well what else was I gonna say oh yeah some one needs to read all my blogs and not just skim over them you know who you are!!!!! Omg you know my best friend who is a guy that I like well he posted this valentine list on facebook and i am his number one choice I am so happy. Today in American government that one boy who said nice shoes to me yesterday said "oh new shoes today nice." It was great I had an over all good day. Actually great day amazing day! :) I am gonna read and reply to those messages like in five minuets. Oh I'm going to the movies tomorrow with my two best friends I can't wait!!!!!!!!! Wwoooooohhhhhhhh....!!!!!!!! GET ENERGIZED!!! I'm so hyper the best part is I have to get up in less than 5 hours!!!!
comment: by the way I love comments on blogs i read them right away and they are the highlight of my life I live for comments on my blog!!! So if you comment I read it I'll probably start messaging all you people who comment!!!! As soon as I read those 50 messages!!!

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