Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day forty three of Rina's life

Ok so today was boring I don't really wanna blog but I have to. Today we did bench maxes in excel it was terrible. Like bry said I tried harder and I couldn't lift the bar which is 45 lbs sigh. I didn't even get to do my maxes cuz I spent to much time trying to push myself. It's ok though I lotioned my legs correctly so I was happy. I have weak upper arm strength She said she guesses she is wrong. Lately alot of pple have been saying stuff about my legs I think it's from running so much in excel gym. Yeah go me. Today was boring I was just worrying about kiki and I got all depressed after school and I ditched drIvers Ed again it's ok I'll go on Friday. Other than that I guess that's all I have to say yay I'm tired omg we have psae testing tomorrow so I gotta get a good night sleep. I can't wait to talk to kiki. She wrote a song about me it's awesome.

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