Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day four of Rina's life

Well today was a really good day except I got a lot of homework for drivers Ed I had to study, for chemistry I had to do worksheets, for American government I had worksheets, and for math I had pg 14 #1-67 odd 70 ,72 I know I know I'm so good I just knew it off the top of my head. Haha anyway I found a dollar on the ground today I was soooo happy. I realized that I don't talk to one of my friends alot in lunch and I feel bad he sat right by me just to talk to me and I didn't talk to him that much sigh. I love that kid. He is my best friend! Anyway moving on I wanna talk about the messagess I get ok IM NOT INDIAN I have been asked that at least 300 times. I do not know hindi but if you wanna teach me Go ahead. Another thing some 28 year old guy proposed to me I was like uhm that's illegal and I ignored him I only ignore users if you scare me and I think you might be a stalker or if say the word sex. yes I am that strict I only blocked 4 people. I hate doing it though. So today I didn't really study for the drivers test I have at like 7:40 am it's 12:10 am where I am right now so I think I will pass I am not nervous. Ohhh I love life. Today this kid in my American government class came up to me and was like "those are the coolest shoes I have ever seen!" omg I was so happy I love it when people say that stuff about me. I have dyscalculia is a specific learning disability involving innate difficulty in learning or comprehending mathematics. So first day of trignometry and I am all pumped and excited to learn and the teacher is like math test friday no calculator. I have a 504 plan which allows me to have extra time on tests, elimination of homework problems, and I am allowed to use a calculator. Since I got this me and my calcalator have been close when a teacher says no calculator I start to frett. Especially if it is a new teacher I never had before because I have to tell her about my 504 plan. I emailed her she never answered though I'm not worried I can't sleep. Well I'm gonna go play solitare sorry for the long blog Comment


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