Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day thirty two of Rina's life

Today was probably the best day of my life. i have been so happy today. i haven't been this happy in a long time. i entered school and i put my stuff in my locker and i saw natalie. then she told me to walk with her so i did it was a new experience and fun. Brandon is trying to make me and Geneva friends again. I have gym with Geneva but we were all separated by gym teachers and we have different gym teachers so i talked to bry who was in my drivers ed class before. i love school now because i know at least one person in each of my classes. my new classes are excel gym, global economics which is going to be a breeze because its advanced and then i have health easy a. ok lunch was a little trippy cause i was this close to talking to howard. it was weird i feel bad because i was being rude but really i just wasn't prepared for it like if i was i wouldn't have been like omg omg omg. however i pulled through and health was a saving grace and got me really happy. i came home from school with no homework i didn't even need my backpack. after school i came home an i played on my ipod touch and then went driving with my mom for like fifty minuets. even jhan said i was different today i was happier. i have just been really happy now a days because my life is almost perfect. i have what i want and i am actually happy that says a lot because i have never been this happy in a long time. I get messages daily from this person and that just makes my day. i love

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