Thursday, February 6, 2014

Finding My Roots: written on August 13, 2013

Oh this year had been a very very difficult year I feel like I have told this story about a million times but I've never written it down :
so I need to tell you something about myself I'm adopted I was separated from my sister Tina and my sister Gloria at birth we were all taken away from our birth mother because of her drug addiction we all have different dads until we were reunited I have always had the opinion the hate that I didn't want to talk to my birth mother I was angry at her for crippling me or so I thought I was just so angry and my sister Tina my older sister after she had her kids she felt the need to find that something that mother figure so I helped her we found our birth mother along with tianna my youngest sister and I was introduced to a whole lot of new people In all honesty I feel overwhelmed all these people like I'm a loner and I have always been one I never felt like I fit in anywhere so I isolate myself and now a days my mom my birth mom tianna Ricky Tina Gloria they all wanna spend time with me and its so hard to juggled everyone just myself along with my gf who I want to spend every waking moment with to my sisters they think that I don't want to spend anytime with them funny I spent days with you funny so funny I just feel like the annoying little kid half of the time I mean its so hard I feel like they're all so much smarter than me that I don't fit In

1 comment:

  1. Hi Baby, it's mom. You are were and
    Always be the star that shines brighter than any other. I wish I
    Had gotten to know this side of you much better than I did. Maybe it wasn't meant for me. Oh Rina, never doubt your EXCELLENCE 💖⭐ momz
