Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day fifteen of Rina's life

Today was boring all I did was lay around play some video games and I totally guessed on all my homework. I did my chores today but I didn't get any money. This is because I spent $20 at the mall on food pencils and pens. I am extremely bored and I can't wait to go to school tomorrow it's what I live for. Haha not really I just want a muffin from the cafeteria. I got the album animal by ke$ha and I got the song how low by ludacris. Suprisingly there was no yelling today. Well I will pick up from the story cycle of pain: Rina is the only one worried about Katarina. Katarina is depressed and is denial. She tells Rina countless times not to worry about her. Katarina says she will never kill herself and is perfectly happy. But Rina thinks it's a lie. Katarina is too afraid to tell anyone the only person she has told is Rina and her two other best friends.

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