Wednesday, June 30, 2010

day thirty three of Rina's life

well sorry i havent been blogging my life has been pretty boring so far and i finally have enough to say to feel like its something to remember. well first im in excel gym we normally run two laps either do stretches and then go to the weight room or play a game or run then do stretches. today we played handball because it was game day it was fun i guess. when we go to the weight room i always lift fives. bry said i was a strong person so i really need to work harder. anyway i have this weird obsession with gangster i know thats weird to say but it all started when these gangsters moved by my house. theres like six of them and they all go to my bus stop. Me and my friend used to count them and since then its evolved into something more complex. however i must point out that im not being racist i am being stereotypical u dont have to be an actual gangster. there are three levels of gangster ghetto gangster, gangster, and low level gangster. Being a classified as a gangster has very high standards its based off of: the way you look, your hair, the way you talk, the way you walk, and your personality. not everyone can be a gangster on my scale. ok the two main gangster are gangster girl the main one and gangster girl two. one day on the bus i sit with my friend elizabeth and i was looking in the mirror and all the gangsters we staring at me. it happened every thirty seconds for like five minuets. gangster girl is the main gangster because one time she used to take my seat everyday just to sit next to this one guy but its all good now because me elizabeth claimed that seat. i usually say something along the lines of thats so gangster hahaha. today was sorta boring im really tired. i overslept probably because i starting eating a chocolate shake at 11pm. not a good idea but i mean i just like had a split thought of i need chocolate shake. Luckily i wasnt late and my mom drove me to school. oh yesterday this girl who is a gangster but really nice and i was just like walking really fast all of sudden and shes like do you have adhd and im like no. i dont want people to think im wired or something i know a lot of people have it at my school but theres still part of me that thinks that it would make me seem less smart or something. last night i was so exited to write this blog. like ecstatic. i have no homework over the weekend yay. except i have to practice driving. my drivers ed teacher said i could pick any day to come in after school next week and drive. im gonna go eat oreos and then eat the rest of my chocolate shake and surf the web.

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