Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day twelve of Rina's life

Today was just one of those days where I just wasn't really paying attention to anything. I woke up about a half hour late but I went to school and I had no homework. When I got home I was like :o what do I do. I love homework seriously I love it. So I just played eliminate pro I got a buch of power cells in that game. I love that game with a lot of things I just get bored of them and forget about them. Then all of a sudden one day I'll remember the game and start playing it for a while. Today I bought a pike hooded flannel in white. It's awesome. Ok I heard that my blog wasn't exciting. I mean this is a blog of my life and my life is the most exciting life on the face of the earth. Well I mean I wish I had some juicy gossip or a secret to tell you but I don't. Well I do but it would be a bad idea to blog about it. If I do I have to word it perfectly. My dad is in Seattle because my mom said the family needs a break of him personally I don't my brother and my dad just need a break. My mom says having him gone provides less stress in the household. All I have to say is the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Sighs I am so glad i am a good kid. Around ten minuets ago I was texting my sister it was great I was having a conversation with her. I didn't say the last word though she did I just stopped talking. I have a sister haha I forgot to tell you. When I was with my birthmother I had two sisters an older sister who is 18or 19 who's name is tina and a younger sister named Gloria. When the adoption agentcy took me and Tina away from my birthmother we were adopted seperatly. When I was with my birthmother Tina basically took care of me when I was 0-2ish. I finished the podcast revelations it was more like a comedy it was funny not a horror. Right now I am listening to the podcast sleepwalker it's kinda boring but i don't really know cuz I'm not really listening to it. Tomorrow is a math test I am sorta worried because I didn't study.

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