Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day forty five of Rina's life

i'm so glad schools out!!!! no more worrying about being popular, not having any friends, not being smart, all my insecurities aren't put out To be butchered I hate school I honestly do but maybe it's trying to teach me a lesson. Not to care what other pple think. But it's who I am because everything I strive for deals with others perception of me if I'm a genius in my head and I get a reputation of stupid I mean that's not what I strive for i wanna be Noticed I wanna be a star I wanna be Rina I can't wait till next year I'm gonna prove be successful in whatever I do. This is an end to a whole new beginning. I'm Rina and I'm gonna show the world me. I'm sick of hiding my insecurities. I've learned so many things this year well the most important one is I'm going to lose friends eventually and really it's pretty easy losing a friend. So I'm a loner for a while but I made new friends and i am happier! things aren't that big of a deal then I make them out to be. Letting go isn't that hard. I've learned to make my own fun. Nowadays I can lay in bed all day and have just my iPod touch and be happy. It's not about the big things. I can always find something to do and I always will. It doesn't matter if I am hanging out with a ton of friends or just one. Because at the end of the day the question is: was it really that hard or painful? NO!!! I want to be popular but if all this time I wanted to wouldn't I have taken the initiative. So do I really want it that bad? No it's just wishful thinking. So y do I get upset? I need to stop take a minute and think... Do I really need this? The answer is no! I make a big deal over nothing. And when it comes down to it if that thing I wanted or wish to have or be never occurs will I survive? Yes!!! So why should I care!!! I think this is what I learned this year. It's time to be me it's time to be RINA!!! I need to be the person I am that person everyone seems to like. 

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