Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day seven of Rina's life

Today was fun. Haha idk I decided to write a novel and start putting names in these things. So today I went to my friend brandon's houSe with Geneva they are my two best friends yay. It was his brothers bday so we all just went it was fun I only got really weird at the end again I hate it. Grr maybe I should have taken my meds with me it wore off at like 11pm oh well too late. Maybe that's why I act so weird maybe it's not my emotions maybe it's my medicine but I don't know isn't it suppose to make me hyper if I don't take it not like blahhh. I'm kinda bored idk what to write about. I know I have so much homework to do tommorrow and i have to do my chores. In drivers Ed I have to study and read rules of the rode book and answer questions. In chemistry i have to read chapter 1 on lab safety worksheet. In government I have to do a one page paper on the people running for the county board district 21. And in math I have to study. I feel weird i don't know why i guess that was a novel haha I am still trying to catch up with my messages I am almost done I only have 44 left.

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