Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day fourteen of Rina's life

Well today was Fun I guess. I went to the mall with my friends Brandon and Geneva. Then we went to office max and I bought pencils and pens yay. Then we went back to Geneva's house and hung out. I'm still sad about yesterday all I wanna do is lay in bed and cry. I'll tell u in a story form picking up from yesterdays blog. So today Katarina told her friends about crispin they said that she could tell them that because they were her best friends. Katarina is still afraid right now of being judged. Also she is upset about crispin because she thinks he didn't answer her message on facebook. Crispin goes to boarding school and isn't allowed a phone. He can only go on facebook once in a while. Crispin and Katarina aren't going out officially because they broke up. But they still talk. Rina feels terrible because katarina was so happy until Rina started unstilling her religious beliefs upon Katarina. Rina feels as if she ruined Katarina's life.

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