Friday, November 5, 2010

Day sixty of Rina's life

So today was boring. Blah I bet no one reads this. Haha I do this just for fun. I know I said that previously but the reason I added a blog on blogspot for someone cool to read it. When I posted my post on facebook i got more hits. I kinda wanna put up my person stuff up her but then again I kinda don't. I do because its interesting and shows my feelings. But its like depression, suicide ecetera. It reveals things about my life i haven't told a lot of people I'm just gonna put a few up a day and see what happens. Anyway about my day it sucked!!! I mean school was alright but it just made me sad because I don't have what I want and it hurts ugh why am I so obsessed. I'm pretty sure that's not normal. I wrote a letter to myself. I'll put it up here.
-Rina Burr

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