Monday, July 12, 2010

Day fifty eight of Rina's life

So sorry I didn't blog yesterday. Nothing new is happening except I got a new belt and new shorts. They're Bermuda shorts. I like them and they go with my style. The only thing I don't like is the fact I had to get them from the little girls section in old navy. Haha but then again I don't really like any of the shorts I see in the juniors and women's section. And my mom agreed to buy me a backpack. So that just knocks off two items off my things to buy list. Yay! I didn't go to church today I woke up early though. I could have if I wanted to. But I knew my mom didn't wanna go. My mom wanted to go shopping instead and I didn't have any objections. I was suppose to hang out with my best friend Jhan today. Instead I spent all day shopping with my mom. I feel kinda bad that he came over to my house and I wasn't there I tried to call him and I left him a message. He ended up coming to my house anyway while I was shopping. I feel bad because I knew he's been wanting to hang out with me. But I'm hanging out with Derek my other friend and probably jhan on tuesday were going fishing! That should be fun. My life has been going spectacular on the love side. I don't wanna jinx anything lol because whenever I think things are going well my world crashes down around me :(. Which reminds me I have to text my other best friend leticia I gotta hang out with her sometime. One thing about me is I hate asking people to hang out. Idk why I just think it's awkward especially if they're coming over to your house. Then you have to be a good host and entertain them. How am I suppose to entertain them when all I do for fun around here is lay around and do nothing? Today I watched the movie 2012 and the blind side. They were good movies.

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