Friday, July 9, 2010

Day fifty six of Rina's life

Ahhh so I just wrote a bunch of stuff and it disappeared. Now I'm just gonna write it on my iPod touch notes and transfer it from there. I don't trust you Internet. Guess who didn't get yelled at? Yeah that's right me!! So today I woke up at 4 pm and my mom had just gotten home from work and she came in my room told me to get up gave me my medicine and a list of things to do. She didn't yell at me she just said she didn't want me to stay up late like that. Today I woke up made dinner which was pasta salad and fried chicken. Then I took a shower. After that I scrubbed the tub, washed the dishes and put them away, cleaned the oven, swept the stairs and vacuumed. Then I went outside and watched my brother set off some fireworks it was fun I think he set off a zipper, a tank and a strobe light. It was funnnnnnn. The police didn't come haha. My day was pretty short considering I woke up at 4 pm the rest of my day I just lied around and watched tv. I'm really hyper now I'm suppose to be asleep of course. 

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