Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Update 2013

A lot has changed since I wrote my last entry let me start with the major change in my life which basically put my life upside down:
march 31 2012 my dad died he died of basically suffocation  and to this day I blame my self 
When my dad passed away I was a senior in high school I had to redo all my college stuff I got accepted to a couple good colleges but I ended up going to a community college because they gave me a full ride 
Which is where I am at now it's the summer of my freshman year in college and I'm about to start my sophomore year 
In the love department a lot has changed.. I will do a separate entry on that but since blogging I found out what true love really is and maybe typing will help me recover since blogging I've had about 1 boyfriend and 4 or 5 gfs crazy right .. After all the aftermath and mistakes I'm basically the same girl I was 2 years ago ambitious and a big dreamer another major change is well I'm adopted and me and me Sister we found our birth mom that has been a crazy ride within itself which is a separate issue I will blog about and the last major life changing event was that i lost my home i lived in for basically my whole life so I'm going to write four blogs the death of my father, My coming of age story, finding where I come From, new beginnings and well something else oh and finding myself

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