Thursday, November 17, 2011

Text messages i never sent

To    : How come everytime i ask who your talking to its called being nosey but when u ask its called caring
How come everytime u yell at me its because your mad but when i yell im tripping
How come when i get depressed you walk away and when you get depressed you push away how come when i pretend dont say anything you avoid me but when i try i always end up saying the wrong thing when i cuss your mom doesnt like it but when u cuss its cool

To ......: U said youd talk to me later never did said youd be up late u disapapear didnt hear from you

im not obsessive or tripping

your just unreasonable

you give me nothing to work with

everyone i talk to says talk to you talk to you but how can i when your never around

I hate when people think im overreacting

maybe i should treat you like you treat me

Starting Now!

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