Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day sixty six of Rina's life

Right now I'm sitting in third block which is physics and I'm wondering if anyone notices me I try to be invisible and blend into the wall my group is doing a lab right now I'm just sitting with my head down typing this a lot has been going on in my life I guess I really don't want to talk about it I'm trying to improve myself better and be more social and not shut so many people out you know I'm trying to reach out to people there is a test today in Spanish which is fourth block I didn't study I hope I do okay I spent study hall working on a project in flash for web construction its really cool ill tell you about it okay so I'm basically making a robot go across the screen and you click on a button to teleport it and then it goes to a future city and a little guy comes on the screen with a magnified glass that says look closer and then when you click on that it goes to a seen with a hover car its gonna be so cool then I'm going to have the robot teleport to a living room with a futuristic screen and then I am going to animate the screen with the words Rina and a pink apple logo its gonna be so awesome anyway I feel really awkward just sitting here texting Haha I just hate people I'm a table with all guys gah fml any way cant wait till lunch I'm gonna go to the library and eat with my friends of course I'm not going to eat but it will be all good so I guess I'm gonna go I don't have anything else random to say oh sorry for the poor punctuation I will fix it later
-Rina Burr

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